Car design

Fiat new 500
4 method concept ( Emotional, Play, Island, Frame) have been crossed with meta-values (means), group of target (new driver new older…) and car model details to suggest new solutions.

Fiat 199 project car
Studio delle tendenze per un abitacolo. Interior car trends. The concept car represent are: fluid car, empty car, digital car, emphatic car auto.

Development of luxury concept third thousand-years trends
Back to concept car LANCIA DIALOGOS analyzing the meta-values that define the new concept of luxury in the auto sector that define we have to identified five constant parameters and 12 trends.

Colors and trends car system integrate to glass and paints
Emotional values to find right car product. Presence colours analysis for FIAT LANCIA and ALFAROMEO. We suggested 100 colors with different surfaces and finishes.